Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm Five Months Old!!!!

When I think about how he is already 5 months old the first thing that runs through my head is "I CAN NOT BE-LIEVE IT" in my best Little Einsteins Quincy voice.  For those of you who do not watch Little Einsteins then you wont understand haha.  Liam loves to watch TV, especially if it is Disney.  Mickey Mouse, Little Einsteins and Doc McStuffins seem to be our favorites so far.  I am loving this stage right now.  He is becoming more and more giggly and smiley.  He is trying so hard to roll over.  He seems to only do it when I am not around.  Like in his crib.  He goes to sleep on his belly but wakes up on his back.  I can put him on his belly for tummy time and he just wont roll over for me.  He is such a lazy baby.

 This month we have accomplished so much.  We have started solid food and found our feet as you have seen in the previous blogs.  We have also moved up into 3-6 month clothes finally!  He is working on sitting up by himself.  He will actually sit in his bumbo for more that 5 seconds now.  He is making more noises now too.  He has started making raspberries.  It is hilarious.  He will do it and spit will go everywhere and he closes his eyes like it scares him!  We get so much entertainment out of that.

 He is still sleeping in his crib and sleeping through the night, which I am so thankful for.  I have had to supplement with formula a few times because I am just not making enough milk.  I am producing, but only the minimum.  So I have to cut some of his breastmilk bottles with an ounce or two of formula.  I hate that I have to do that because my goal was to not use any at all.  But I also have to make sure that he is eating enough so I have to stop being selfish and just break down and use formula.  I haven't had to buy any just yet, I am still using samples.  I haven't had to do it much this week because the solid food seems to fill him up and he only drinks about half a bottle afterwards.  Which leaves me with more milk to use the next day.  It is all working out and he is a happy baby so that is all that matters.  Work has been well ... work.  I am so thankful for our family.  I do not know what I would do without them.  I am so fortunate to have them to watch him while I am at work.  Ryan's schedule has changed to where he is off on Sundays and Mondays now so I have had to rearrange my schedule at work so that we can have some time together also.

Elizabeth Brown, my first college roommate and good friend, came home from Washington D.C. and we met up and ate at Camino. Just like old times!
We spend at least one day a week at our best friend Landon's house.  He has lots of toys to play with.  They like to go on walks together.  He even has some chickens too!

Our baby is growing up so fast!  We love watching all the new things you do!  We will always love you little monkey!!

Stinky Feet

We have discovered our feet!  His feet were the first thing that was ticklish.  I'm always playing with his feet.  This sounds bad but lately I have been trying to get him to suck on his toes.  I act like I'm going to eat them and then I bring them up to his mouth to get him to suck on them.  Just trying to get him to realize that he has them.  Well my weird plan has worked because now he has found them.  I lay him down on his blanket in the floor and the first thing he does is throw his feet in the air and grab them.  So cute!  I love capturing his milestones on film!


... Or should I say Bananacados.  Plain Avocados was a no go.  The first day we tried them he had the worst face ever and spit them out.  Day two was better.  He seemed to eat more.  He would make the worst face but then open up his little bird mouth for more.  On the third day we were at Hollyns and she suggested that I mix them with bananas.  He gobbled them right up.  By the end of the week I couldn't shovel them in fast enough.  Some people look at me funny when I tell them that I am feeding him avocados but they are actually very good for babies.  They are high in healthy fat and have 60% more potassium than a banana.  Plus they are high in fiber which is good for his belly.  I don't care for them.  But I don't want my dislikes to rub off on him.  So as he gets older I'm going to have to suck it up and eat my veggies!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Week 2 of big boy food and we tried Bananas!  They were a hit! I mean who doesn't love bananas?  I started with half a banana thinking that he would not even eat all of it but I didn't want to not give him enough.  He ate every bit of it! He probably would of ate more but I nursed him afterwards and he was one happy boy!

 Cant keep his hand out of his mouth!!!!


Big Boy Food

So last week we started eating cereal from a spoon.  We have been giving him cereal in his bottle since he was about 3 months old because I felt like he needed more.  Plus it helped him sleep through the night!!  A few nights before we started cereal I was putting him in his highchair to get used to sitting in it.  I give him spoons to play with but they usually end up in the floor.  I mixed a few tablespoons of cereal with some of my breastmilk.  He did pretty well for his first time and he seems to enjoy getting messy.  He mostly wanted to just put his hands in his mouth but he finally got the hint that if he took them out of his mouth, he got more food.  I fixed him cereal every night and made it thicker every night.  We got him a sippy cup for Easter so we put water in it and give that to him when he eats.  After, I either give him the bottle or nurse him to top him off.  Next week we are starting bananas!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I took off of work Sunday so that I could be there for Liam's first Easter.  Plus since I work every Sunday I don't get to go to church and I wanted to go.  I ordered Liam's basket from Pottery Barn this year and had Hollyn monogram Liam's name on it.  I ordered the Large basket and didn't expect it to be that big.  I have big shoes (baskets) to fill in the years to come.  It is 5 times bigger than Liam but I had no problem filling it up!  I love buying things for him.  I got him things that he would be using in the next few weeks.  We are starting solid foods soon so I got him spoons, bowls, cereal and a sippy cup.  I also got him a teether, new paci's, bubbles, and a dog that teaches him body parts.  Nana Jo and G both got him baskets too, so he racked up this Easter! They both got him books which is good because we don't have that many and I'm tired of reading the same ones to him.  Book as so expensive these days.

 I made his Easter outfit this year.  I made a little seersucker jon jon or romper, what ever you want to call it, and had Hollyn put a bunny applique on it.  I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to put on it.  I ended up settling on a bunny.  I found it appropriate haha. We went to early service and sat on the opposite side of the sanctuary which was weird because we always sit in the same row.  But I will give up my seat to have some one that maybe doesn't go to church all the time sit there.  He did so good in church.  He loved the music and when it was over he napped in G's arms.  Then when Dr. Cox started to pray he got the hiccups haha.  They weren't quiet hiccups either, but they were cute!

After church we came home and I made baked beans to take to Aunt Leslie's house.  I have got to get better about taking pictures.  I brought my camera but didn't take a single picture :(  It just never crossed my mind.  But anyways, we ate, ate, and ate some more.  Liam took a few cat naps and was a great baby.  After we left there we stopped by nanny mac's house.  It was 5:30 and by then he was so tired and hungry and just ready to be home.  He cried and cried and cried so we decided it was time to go home.  He was asleep by the time I put him in the car and didn't wake up till about 1 in the morning to eat and then fell back asleep till 5.  Poor baby doesn't like to be out of his routine!

Here is his outfit that I made him and that Hollyn monogrammed :)

Softball Game

Last night we went to watch Niki play softball.  The Lady Raiders played Ravenwood.  I'm not sure who won because we left early.  Liam was starting to get fussy and it was time for his nighttime bottle and bed.  It was a lot colder than I expected it to be.  I wore flip flops and froze my toes off.  Thank goodness I dressed little man in warm clothes and brought a jacket for him.  We played with Kelcey and I almost got hit with a foul ball.  Thank goodness Dad was holding him at the time because I jumped over his carseat and the ball landed right where I was sitting.  The music is so loud there and he seems to do okay with it.  I think I'm more worried about it than he is.  He is my child so I know he will love music and hopefully ball too.  GO BIG RED, AND #5 TOO!!!

He got this teether for Easter.  When you bite down on it it vibrates.  He is getting the hang of it. He just wont hold it himself. 

Here he is being his happy self.  He is starting to look more and more like his daddy :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Lately Liam has been attached to his blankie.  It doesn't really matter what blankie it is as long as he has one.  When I lay him down I cover him up with a blanket and the next time I turn around he has gathered it up around his face.  He loves having something in his hands, just so he can put it in his mouth.  He prefers something soft like his bib, burp cloth or blankie.  So now when we take a nap we have to have blankie.  I take it and put it in his arms to hold on to.  He loves it when I rub his face with it.  He just closes his eyes and falls alseep. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

I'm Four Months Old!!!!

March 30th, Liam turned 4 months old! :( And he is starting to look more and more like his daddy.  He is starting to use his voice more and loves to copy sounds you make.  He is such a happy baby.  I'm pretty sure that he is over his belly issues and I have started to add dairy back into my diet.  So far so good! Hallelujah!!!! He is starting to roll over.  In the morning when I go get him out of his crib, he usually laying on his back which is not where he started out.  He is drinking 5oz of milk every 3-4 hours and is starting to get those baby fat rolls :)  He goes to bed around 9 and usually wakes up around 4.  I can't complain about that.  On days that I don't work I will feed him and we will both lay back down and wake up around 6-7.  He keeps his hands in his mouth and drools.  If he doesn't have his hand then it's either his bib or blankie in there.  We think he is cutting a tooth and I can see little white buds but Dr. Eastham says that it is too early so we will see. 

Today we went to Dr. Eastham's office for his 4 month check up.  We love Dr. Eastham. He is so funny.  He weighed 12lbs 13oz which was in the 6th percentile.  He was 24.5 inches long which put him in the 22nd percentile.  And his head circumference was 40.5cm putting him in the 18th percentile.  He wasn't to happy that he had not doubled his birth weight but he said that he looked healthy with his double chin so he wasn't too worried about it. haha.  When he was doing his assessment of him he looked at the back of his head and said " Looks like the map of Europe" haha poor baby and his big birthmark.  He said as he gets older it will fade.  I'm not worried about it, it makes Liam who he is and I love it!  He said that we can start eating solids whenever we want to.  So that will be an adventure!  He got his shots and cried for about 2 minutes and then he was fine.  Ryan and I stopped and got Gigi's cupcakes and then I had to get fabric at Hobby Lobby to work on a baby gift for baby Hallie Hunt!  The boys stayed in the car.  Ryan ate his cupcake while Liam passed out.  He has been pretty fussy tonight and he is finally asleep in his swing holding onto his blankie, sweet boy.  Time needs to slow down. In the meantime, I'm going to soak it all in :)

Check out that double chin!
Dr. Eastham listening to his heart ....