Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Baby Barker #2 .... and #3!!!!!

Surprise! Baby Barker #2 is on the way!  Monday, October 14 I took my first pregnancy test after 5 days of complete exhaustion (that I first blamed on the flu shot I got the Wednesday before).  At work that day there was an issue with a patient's family member that I just could not stop crying over.  Then the night before that I laid in bed holding Liam, listening to him sing "You are my sunshine" to me and I'm crying my heart out.  I knew something was up.  After work I stopped at the Dollar Store before I came home and picked up a test.  I went straight to the bathroom and took the test.  In the back of my mind I thought it would be negative because I wasn't supposed to have my period for another 4 days.  Plus I had taken a test 3 days before and it was negative.  If it was positive I figured it would be one of those squinters but it was the darkest positive ever!   Just to make sure, the next morning I took another one.  Here they are ....

So, since no one knows yet and I want to document everything.  This blog might contain a lot of information, depending on how long we keep it a secret.  So when you read this, it will read as if it just happened but in real life you were just in the dark! ;) 

October 18th - Baby Barker #2 went to its first Bachelorette party and Concert.  Unfortunately since we aren't telling anyone right now, no one had a clue.  It was so hard not saying anything and I had to watch what I said so that I wouldn't get anyone wondering.  Maggie already knew because she figured it out on the way to the Predator's game the night before when she opened up a bag of BBQ potato chips and I immediately wanted to throw up.  She did a good job keeping it a secret too.  

Im not as active as I was in the beginning of the year so I have gained most of my weight back.  It also happens to be mostly in my mid section.  Which doesn't help the fact that I already feel like I'm showing.  In the back of my head I know its only flab because I am too early to show.  But everyone says that you start showing sooner the second time around.  Because no one knows I'm pregnant, I'm super self conscious about what I am wearing.  I need more baggy clothes for a few more weeks.  HAHA!

Anyways, back to the party/concert/night on the town.  It was Caylee Shelton's Bachelorette party.  We left at 2pm that day to get down there and get our hotel room.  For dinner we went to Dick's Last Resort, which was hilarious.  If you haven't been you need to go.  It's not your normal restaurant and if you can't take a joke then stay at home!  After dinner we went to the Luke Bryan concert.  Florida Georgia Line and Thompson Square were with him too.  It was the best concert I have seen in a long time.  He put on a really good show!  Everyone was split up because it was hard to get 10 tickets all together.  Katy Wells and I sat together.  I wanted to tell her so bad but I needed to tell our parents first.  I would hate for it to get back to them and it had not come from me first.  After the concert we went to the Second Fiddle and hung out there for a while.  Caylee had a headache so we decided to go back to the hotel and hang out there.  The sober/pregnant ones went to bed while the others stayed up until about 3am I was told.  That next morning I woke Maggie up because I was STARVING!  Which is how I feel all the time here lately!  I wish I could find a happy medium.  It's either nausea or starvation. UGH!  Anyways, she was hungry too so we went to the lobby and had some breakfast.  After that we went and picked up Mark from the boys hotel and headed home.  I am thankful for good friends and I am so happy that Caylee found Kevin!  I wish them only the best in the years to come!

October 22nd - Nausea has become ridiculous.  I am twice as nauseous and twice as tired than I was with Liam.  Hopefully there aren't 2 in there! HA I feel hungry all the time but nothing sounds good.

October 31st - Halloween we decided to tell our parents.  I wore my skeleton shirt that I wore when I was pregnant with Liam.  It has a little baby skeleton on it.  I walked in their houses with it on not pointing it out.  None of them noticed it so of course we had to point it out! Everyone was so excited!  We want to keep in low key for a little while till we are more in the clear!

November 5th - Today was my first doctors appointment.  I am 7 weeks/3days today, so all we did was a pee test and my annual exam.  I got an appointment for 4 weeks later in December.  We will get to hear the heartbeat and she is making me take the glucose test early since I had gestational diabetes with Liam.  She said there is a possibility that I might not have it this time.  I guess we will see in December.

November 8th - Holy Moly stomach virus!!! It started at 5:30 that night and didn't stop till 4 the next morning.  I was home alone with Liam when it started.  He was such a sweet little nurse.  He would stand by me as I was throwing up, patting my back, saying "you ok momma?"  Then when I was done me would want to crawl in my lap and start to rock like he was wanting to rock me like I do him when he is sick.  Luckily I had called Dr. Moore earlier that day to get something for nausea because my nausea at work is ridiculous!  I can tolerate it at home but the minute I walk through the doors at work its hits me.  Anyways, I called mom to go pick it and some gatorade for me.  Neither of them worked.  I felt so dehydrated and tried to keep some gatorade down at all times but it would just some right back up.  So it's 4:30 on the 9th and I just got down an individual serving of KFC mashed potatoes and gravy.  I feel like I am finally starting to get my strength back.  Liam had this last Wednesday and it didn't take him long to bounce back.  Liam gave it to John, my father in law, as well.  Hopefully we are done passing it around!

November 13th - Surprise!!! We are having TWINS!!!! At work on the 12th I had started spotting so I called the Dr. office to make an appointment to be checked out.  I was concerned because of the virus I had had over the weekend.  I made the mistake of getting on the internet to look into why I might be spotting.  Bad idea!  Too many thoughts running through my head!  I wasn't able to go to the Dr. that day but they got me in to see the Nurse Practitioner first thing at 8 the next morning.  So we get there and we go over what all has happened the past few days and why I might possibly be spotting.  She does an exam and doesn't seem concerned but wants to do an ultrasound because at 8 weeks and 4 days it was too early to hear a heartbeat.  We get into the ultrasound room and in my mind I am planning for the worst possible news.  I didn't share that with Ryan before because I didn't want him freaking out.  In the ultrasound room there is a TV that is usually turned on so that we are able to watch everything they are doing.  Well we must have been the first one in there that morning because it wasn't turned on yet.  When she started to do the ultrasound, Ryan stood up and walked to the screen to see they picture.  She immediately looked at Ryan and said, "You need to sit down!"  My heart sank!  I told myself I was right, there is no heartbeat and don't you dare cry right now!  But instead she walked over and turned the TV on.  She then started the ultrasound again and right there in front of our eyes was 2 little shrimps swimming around in one little sac.  HOLY COW! Im pretty sure after the initial shock our first response was, "We need a bigger house!"  Ryan had so many questions.  Most of them were able to be answered right then.  His brain was just racing and you could see it in his face.  We were shocked.  We had permanent smiles on our face all day long.  We decided that we were going to keep it a secret from everyone but close family and friends.  We told our parents, Maggie and Mark, and we each got to tell a friend.  Well I told 2 :).  Everyone is so overjoyed!

- Ok now go back up to where I wrote on Oct. 22!  Ha!  Looks like I had some motherly intuition!

November 15th - Today was the first day back to work since we found out the news.  In my mind I knew I didn't want anyone to know but close family and friends but I never realized how difficult it would be to keep a secret this big.  I cracked and told a few people.  Oops.  My work family is like my family.  I love them and want them to be part of this exciting time in my life.  I don't know if adrenaline has set in and has overcome the nausea but since the day we found out my nausea has subsided.  Thank goodness!  Hopefully it stays away!

November 19th - So the cat is out of the bag at work.  By the end of the day people from other floors were coming up to see the ultrasound picture.  Everyone is so excited and so am I!!!!  Hopefully they will take it easy on me! ;)

I am 9weeks/5days today and my babies are the size of grapes!

Thank Angela Zuill for the amazing pictures!  I always love our photo sessions.  They seem to get harder and harder every time! HAHA!  2014 is going to be a big year for us!  It's crazy how things like this can change your life forever but we are so excited (and scared!)  Our family has been so supportive and we couldn't be more lucky!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cedarwood Pumpkin Patch 2013

Last night we went to the Cedarwood Pumpkin Patch in McMinnville.  We met up with Mark, Maggie, John, JoAnn, Todd and Ally.  We have never been to a pumpkin patch before so I called up Hollyn and asked here where her favorite one was.  She highly recommended this one. 
 Here is a picture before we left the house.  I swear I have the cutest little boy ever!

Putting on my sticker, getting ready to play....

Playing in the corn ...

Feeding the catfish ....

He was so excited to see all the animals.  He ran as fast as he could ...

Looking at the "bubby" (bunny) ....

Sliding down the slide...

He wasn't a big fan of bouncing on the balls...

He loved riding "Thomas the Train" as he called it ...

Driving the fire truck with Ally...

He walked through the whole corn maze ...

He was so excited to see all the pumpkins.  He kept trying to pick them up but they were too heavy.

We picked our 3 pumpkins and hopped back on the hayride.  The hayride ended back at our cars.  It was dark and cold so we decided to go eat at Boskey's where it was warm.  Next year we will have to go earlier.  We didn't get there until later and we didn't have a whole lot of time to enjoy all they had to offer before sundown.  You live and learn I guess!  We all still had a good time though!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Liam's 1st Pred's Game

October 17th was Liam's 1st Predators game.  We played the LA Kings and lost in the shootout. :( But we still had a good time!  Since the day Liam was born, he has been running around in Predators clothes.

Here is the outfit he came home from the hospital in...

I think he was 8 months old here....

Can't eat good food without a Predators bib!

For Christmas he got his first hockey stick and puck!

Here we are on the way to the game.

Picking up our tickets!

So interested in the game, he couldn't eat his fry!

Being silly and taking pictures to pass the time...

Liam photo bombing Aunt Maggie and Uncle Mark's picture.

I was surprised at how well he did at the game!  He sat in my lap most of the time.  We took breaks at the periods and walked around.  We met up with Grandaddy after the first period and hung out with him for a little while.  Thanks to Rebecca for coming into work early for me so I could go.  I hope we will be able to go to many more and that Liam grows up loving hockey like his mom, dad and grandaddy do!


Liam's new found toy that he has been interested in here lately is blocks.  We have had these blocks for a long time but he hasn't really paid much attention to them.  Last weekend at Rhode's birthday he sat and played with his blocks for a while.  So when we got home I decided to wash them all (since they have been outside, yuck!).  Once they were ready to play with, Liam started building.  I think we might have a architect on our hands?!