Sunday, January 28, 2018

Liam Looses a Tooth and Gets a Cavity

We have our first lost tooth.  This tooth has been loose for a couple weeks and wouldn't let any of us touch it much less pull it.  I was working one night last week and I get this picture.  He let it hang so long that it just fell out, no bleeding or anything.  The one beside it will probably come out in the next week or so I expect because its really loose as well.

Fast forward to December I think it was.  Liam had a dentist appointment where they took some X-rays and found a cavity in one of his back bottom molars.  We scheduled another appointment to come back and have that cavity filled.  Ryan took him that day while I worked.  I get a call from Ryan not long after his appointment had started telling me that the filling was a no go.  He did fine until they put the topical numbing ointment on his gums and he lost it.  His description of how his mouth felt was like there were "crabs in his mouth"  He is so dramatic.  Needless to say they recommended we go to Wild about Smiles where they could give him some medicine to calm his nerves.  

He really liked Wild about Smiles and so did I.  They were patient and explained everything to him so that he knew what was going on.  We had a consultation first and then they made the appointment to do the filling.  

We got there the morning of our appointment and they took him back and gave him a cup of "sleepy time juice"  He drank it and then they took us to the "Sleepy Tiki Room"  where he laid in my lap, cuddled up on the couch with a blanket and watched TV.  Boy did he fight the medicine. 

After about an hour he finally fell asleep.

I carried him into the room and they placed the gas on him.  Before he drank the juice they let him pick which flavor of gas he wanted.  He chose Strawberry.

His words when they put this on him was "My daddy has one of these" - Referring to Ryan's CPAP machine.  He stayed awake the whole time, he was just very relaxed.  I was so proud of him and I think he was proud of himself.  

I stopped and got him a milkshake at Sonic per his request.  He slept the whole way home and then slept for about 3 hours after we got home.  Overall I was very pleased with Wild about Smiles.  Im leaving it up to him whether we go back there for our regular cleanings or if he wants to go back to our regular place!

Christmas 2017

Liam helping me put up the Christmas tree

The twins were so excited to see the tree up and working!

This year I was part of the Christmas decorating team at church.  Christmas makes my soul happy.  I love the lights and just the true meaning of Christmas.

The decorating crew

The preggos

Our connection group at the Christmas Parade in town.  Unfortunately I had to work and wasn't able to go!

The boys wanted to help me wrap presents.  Once I was done wrapping I let them draw all over them.  They loved it!

FSCP Christmas Program.  Look and my little sheperds :)

After the program it was time to party!

Liams Christmas party at his school 

Our Connection group Christmas Pajama Party at the Dorak's house.  I love these guys!!!!

We made it to see Santa.  Reid wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

Neither did Brooks. 

Christmas Eve started out with a candlelit service at church.  It was beautiful and wish we did it more often.  Helps me step back and remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Christmas Eve night at Stellas for Ryan's side of the family's Christmas.  We played bean boozled and it was hilarious trying the different nasty tasting jelly beans.

Reid playing with his Hot Wheels cars that he loves so much

Santa getting the boys Christmas presents ready for Christmas morning. 

Christmas morning is so busy for us.  We wake up and open presents and see what Santa brought the night before. 

I think the boys were face timing Hudson to see what Santa brought him.

Christmas Eve at Nana and Papa's house

Maggie got a puzzle made that told the boys they were going to Disney World.  She hung each piece on the tree and they had to find them and put the puzzle together.  I unfortunately didn't get any good pictures because I was videoing the whole thing.  I took some snapshots of the video.

Liam at this point is reading what the puzzle said.

His excitement once he realized .... We leave September 28th (fall break) - Im so excited!!!! I think I'm way more excited than the boys!

After Nana and Papa's we went to G and Grandy's house and opened presents there.

All the Christmas festivities wore Reid out!

Traveling home with all our goodies to rest and relax.

Elizabeth traveled from the big city life back "home" for Christmas and she even made time to come visit us!  We love Eliz!