Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Magnetic Chalkboard Wall Project

Since Liam has started school I have been researching different ways to show off his artwork.  Our stainless refrigerator doesn't hold magnets and I have tons of magnetic letters for the boys to play with.  I knew I wanted something magnetic somewhere in the house and had different ideas of places to put it until I came across this picture on Pinterest -
I knew right then that I wanted to do that and I had the perfect wall in my breakfast nook to do it on!

I knew it was going to take me a few days to do so I was off of work for a week and decided that would be a perfect time to start.  I made a trip to Home Depot after lots of research on the best way to do it.  I taped off the edges with Frog Tape, laid down a plastic drop mat and got to painting.  It recommended using a foam roller so that is what I used.  I also read that if you have them shake up the paint at the store that it is easier to stir when you open it.  It has small specks of iron in the paint that settles to the bottom and can be time consuming to stir.  I noticed that it was very thick when I opened it up but it didn't take long for it to smooth out.  Here is the wall after 2 coats of paint.  I bought 2 cans of the Rustoleum Magnetic Primer.  Each can was $20.  After using both cans which was about 4 coats of paint I wasn't happy with how magnetic it was.  I made a trip back to Home Depot and bought another can giving me 6 coats of paint total.  I kind of wish that I would have painted another coat or two but I was so over painting at this point that I decided it was magnetic enough for what I wanted to do and moved on.

The next day after I finished up with the magnetic paint, I started on the Chalkboard paint.  I also used the Rustoleum Chalkboard Paint in Black.  I applied two coats of it, pulled off the frog tape and let it dry!

Before you can use it you have to season the chalkboard.  If you don't season the board then whatever you write on it gets burned into the board and hard to clean off.  Before you season the chalkboard you have to let it dry for 3 days.  I hung up some of Liams art that he did on Tuesday in that time.

Here it is in the process of seasoning it.  I took a stick of chalk sideways and ran it across the whole board. 

It sure did make a mess!  I did this at the boys nap time because I knew they would be all in it if I didn't!

After, I wiped it down with a damp cloth.  I had to do it twice because after the first time it was still really white and not what I was going for.  I didn't expect it to be a long process but it took me about 2 hours!

Liam was the first one to get to draw on it.  I was in shock when I saw him write his name!  I feel like a horrible mom because I had no clue that he knew how to do that!  I was AMAZED!

Here it is finished!  I am so proud of it and cant wait to change it up each season! 

Liam's First Day of Preschool

I can't believe it!  Liam started preschool at First Steps Christian Preschool this year.  He is such a smart boy and I am so excited for him to learn and to show them what he already knows.  I am also sad because he is growing up way too fast.   He picked out his backpack, lunch box and nap mat before we left for Florida.  He unfortunately missed the first week due to vacation.  

This sweet boy is the best! Just look at that laugh!

Loading everyone up so we can take brother to preschool!

He had to hold his backpack.

Walking down the hall to his preschool class...

I was proud of him that he just jumped right in with the kids and started playing playdoh (his favorite)!  No tears, just a "Bye Mom!" Definitely some mixed emotions for me as I was walking out the door!

It is uncertain how they feel.  Either excited that they get the whole house and their momma to themselves or sad because they don't have a brother to torture for the next couple of hours.

Sad day for us!

He had a great first day and came home with some artwork.   I have already been looking for ways to showcase the artwork he brings home since my refrigerator is stainless and not magnetic.  

Todays letter was "B"

This is Barney the class mascot. 

Twins 15 Month Check Up

Boys had their 15 month check up the day after we came home from Florida.

Height - 32.5 inches (86.99%)
Weight - 21.41 pounds (26.25%)
Head Circumference - 18.9 inches (79.88%)


Height - 31.5 inches (55.28%)
Weight - 20.78 pounds (18.4%)
Head Circumference - 19.09 inches (88.86%)

 Eating our snacks and waiting on Dr. Eastham to see us!

Liam got to come too! No check up for him.  He was glad because he said he didn't want any shots!

Trying to keep the kids busy while we were waiting.  It's a tough job but someone has to do it! Glad I get to do it with him!

Ryan reading to the boys before Dr. Eastham came in.

Dr. Eastham gave the little ones a good bill of health and Liam entertained him for a little bit.  We have to go back in 3 more months for their 18 month well visit and Liams 4 year check up!

Port St Joe Vacation 2015 Part 2

Part 2 of our family of vacation to Port St. Joe, Florida starts with or favorite hole in the wall restaurant called Indian Pass Raw Bar.  Its just a couple miles down the road from our house in Port St. Joe to an area called Indian Pass.  We love it because its on a honor system.  They have a wall full of different drinks and you get your own drinks and write it down and at the end of your meal you take your paper to the cashier and she rings you up! Such a neat atmosphere. 

I couldn't decide if I wanted stuff shrimp or crab legs, so I had both!  Ryan has oysters and the boys had corn dogs!

They had live music and the boys loved dancing to it!

These boys love the beach and love playing in the sand and making sandcastles with Nana!

Selfie with G

Selfie with Nana

Maggie and I decided that we wanted to try paddle boarding.  So on our way home from one of our many trips to the Pig we stopped by a place and rented one.  We weren't sure if we would make it back to the house with it because it stuck out of the truck so far but we made it!

Im not going to say it was easy because it took a lot of core strength to stay up and not fall.

Poppa put Liam on with Maggie and I and we took him around and let him look at all the fish and sting rays we came across.

Poor Ryan tried his hardest to get up on the paddle board.  He made it up for a couple seconds but not long enough to get anywhere.

Mark on the paddle board

Dad trying to show out.  He made it up but Maggie thought she was going to help him get steady but instead helped him loose his balance.  The water was shallow so when he fell he reached back to catch himself and hurt his wrist.  The next morning it was pretty swollen and we all knew something was wrong!

When we got back home from Florida he decided to go and have it checked out.  Needless to say he broke his Radial bone and has a nice cast for the next 6 weeks at least. 

Port St. Joe sunsets are beautiful!

Uncle Mark got attacked by Spiderman aka Liam ;)

Poppa trying to get the boys to watch Pocoyo without touching the iPad.  The struggle is real!

Our nights were spent doing a lot of nothing but laying around and relaxing!

Mom making everyone Milk drinks!

Nana tickling Liam

We took both of our pack n play's.  We intended on keeping one at the beach but it was so easy to just take the kids back to the house for lunch and naps that we just put both of them in our room.  They aren't used to sleeping together anyways so it was nice to keep them separate. 

Liam thinking he is doing a scratch off.  He also thought he won :)

Helping (dumping all of Aunt Maggie's water out) Aunt Maggie build a sandcastle.

Hudson just wanted to relax in the beach chair.

Our house we rented.  5 Bedroom 5.5 Bathroom with a pool and hot tub. Perfect for our whole combined family!

Beach to the right

Beach to the left

I wish that this little pool of water had been there the whole week.  They little boys loved running through the water.

It amazes me every time I see these shell/muscle things.  They come in large groups and when you dig down in the sand where the tide is they come up and then dig right back down in the sand. The majority of the shells found on the beach are these shells.


Mark, Margaret & Hudson

Ryan holding Reid (someone dressed them in the wrong color!) and Me holding Kane

Our coolers!

Our last night eating out!

Mom ate all you can eat crab legs.  Those were some of the best crab legs we had all week.  As you can see the crabs pretty much got the best of her but she kept eating! 

Pictures of everyone at the beach on our last night there!

Everyone said I couldn't get a picture of all the little ones looking and I did!!!!!

Grandy and the grandkids!

The last walk all together :(

The tropical storm getting ready to come in

Starting our way back home and they needed a snack! Love those single pack applesauce's!

My dad realized on the way down that we had a headlight missing so before we left Port St. Joe we stopped at a part store and picked up a new light bulb.  On one of our stops to change the boys and let them out, the guys changed it before it got dark.

They may drive each other crazy but Liam sure does love his little brothers!

I feel like the week went by too fast and I wasn't ready to leave.  I tried to make it as relaxing as you possibly can with 3 kids but we all had a great time!  As the boys get older we will find places that are more touristy so that they have more to do.  I love Port St. Joe and the atmosphere it has and that house was perfect for us all.  I can't wait till next year! We are hopefully planning 2 vacations next year.  Maybe one of those will be childless :)