Thursday, April 17, 2014

31 Weeks

Tomorrow I am 31 weeks with the twins.  I have had doctor appointments the past two days.  Yesterday was at my OBGYN's office.  We met Dr. Saulter, whom I loved by the way.  She was young and very personable.  I wouldn't mind her delivering my babies if she happens to be the one on call when I go into labor!!!  Before my appointment with her we had to go upstairs to get an ultrasound to get fetal heart tones on each baby.  Both babies heart rates were 141.  Reid is cephalic or "head down" and Kane is breech or "head up."  Which is exactly how they need to be for me to have a normal delivery.  Fingers crossed they stay that way.  They say by 30-32 weeks they will stay in the same position for the duration of the pregnancy but that isn't always the case.  Dr. Saulter was happy with my progress and I go back in 2 weeks for another appointment.

Here are some pictures of their little bodies since we can't get a face shot ….



Today I saw Dr. Richardson, my high risk doctor.  We did a BPP (Biophysical Profile) which is just a fancy word for checking their growth.  Reid was still head down and Kane was still head up.  At one point we saw Reid's head and Kane's little butt side by side.  Of course we couldn't see their faces because that would be too easy :(  Reid now weighs 3.8 pounds and is in the 54th percentile.  Kane weighs 3.3 pounds and is in the 41st percentile.  That is almost a whole pound weight gain for each baby in 2 weeks!!!!  I was a little concerned about that but he said he was completely happy with that!  He was happy with my glucose readings and I am to keep faxing them to him every week.  He told us that this is as healthy as a twin pregnancy could get and that he felt that he no longer needed to see me anymore.  He would just keep up with my glucose readings by fax and if anything became abnormal he would call me and either change my medication or have me come into the office and reevaluate.  He said that once I get to 34 weeks I need to be seen on a weekly basis and that can be done in my OB's office.

Belly Shot! (Liam wanted to be in it too!)

After our appointment we stopped by Babies R Us to pick up our furniture.  Ryan decided that Liam needed something too.  Liam started out with these 3 cars that make constant noise but ended up with a 6V motorized Yellow Mini Cooper!  Liam passed out on the way home, thank goodness!  He was a busy body today and was fighting sleep.  We stopped by my parents on the way home and put his car together so he could ride it for a little bit.  I think once he gets the hang of it he will love riding it!

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