Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Party Barge

Last Sunday we took the new boat out for its first debut.  John, JoAnn, Mark, Margaret, Ryan and I all went in together and bought the "Party Barge" as a family boat.  My parents got rid of their pool last year and some friends of ours sold their boat, so for Fathers Day Ryan and I went looking for boats.  The Tim's Ford Marina had some 2011 demos for sale so we went to look at them.  It was too good a deal to pass up so we went for it.  I have to say that it is one of the best investments yet! Liam loved it.  Liam and I stayed under the canopy pretty much the whole time.  I brought a comforter for him to lay on and play in the floor. He got out in the water a few times and loved every minute of it!   Ryan was the captain of the boat with the help of Liam every once in a while.  My parents came out and brought their jet ski.  We met up with some friends and hooked onto their boat and swam with them and just hung out.  It was such a good way to relax and spend our hard earned money!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I'm 6 Months Old!!!

Happy 1/2 Birthday Liam!  I can't believe that you are 6 months old.  That means you are half way to your birthday.  If the next six months go as fast as the first then I need to slow down and take in every moment I have with you.  You are growing so fast and learning so many new things.  We are so proud of you and love watching you learn.  He is sitting up all by himself.  He is still a little wobbly and I usually have to keep his boppy around him when he is playing.  He transfers from sitting to laying on his belly and is starting to scoot across the floor.  He is eating twice a day now and is starting all kinds of new foods. He is still sleeping in his crib and I can usually just lay him in his crib and he will fall asleep on his own.  Lately I have been rocking him to sleep just because I have been working a lot and I don't get to see him as much as I would like. He wakes up about 4 in the morning and I put him in the bed with us.  He usually eats and then we snuggle and sleep until I either have to go to work or he wakes me up ready to play. 

 At Dr. Eastham's office for our 6 month check up.  Weighing in at 15lbs 7.5oz (11%) 26.75in long (46%) and head circumference was 43cm (33%).  He got 2 shots :( For the past few months he has been running a low grade temp.  Dr. Eastham seems to think that he just runs high all the time and that is normal for him.  So 99 degrees is his normal.  Dr. Eastham was not worried about his weight.  He said that he is a healthy boy and that if low weight gain is all we have to worry about then we are doing good. 

 Here we are scooting around.  Having to block things with pillows so we don't hurt ourselves!!!
 When June comes around that means Bonnaroo time!  Liam didn't get to go this year but he rocked out his tye-dye t-shirt that I got him last year from Tye-Dye Mary! My cute little hippie baby!

New Foods

Wow, so it has been a while since I have been able to blog.  Our life has been crazy this past month.  So many new things have gone on, especially all the new foods that Liam has been eating.  Since the last food blog we have started Peas.  Not our favorite but mixed with other veggies he eats them. 

We have also started Peaches, Carrots, Homemade Rice Cereal or "Super Porridge", Yogurt, and today we started Prunes.  All have been a success!  I have to say that this mornings breakfast was his favorite.  He had vanilla Yo Baby yogurt and Prunes.  I couldn't shovel them in fast enough.  I try to mix things up so that he isn't always getting the same foods over and over again.  Its hard because there are only so many foods that he has tried, and you have to wait 4 days before you can introduce another one to make sure that he doesn't have some type of allergy or reaction.

We met up with uncle John Hardy the other day and had dinner and ice cream.  Liam's favorite part was the ice cream! 

 I have really enjoyed this whole eating process with Liam.  I am usually just as excited as he is.  I love introducing new foods just as much as he loves eating them! Here is to all the new and exciting food ahead!!!