Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cedarwood Pumpkin Patch 2013

Last night we went to the Cedarwood Pumpkin Patch in McMinnville.  We met up with Mark, Maggie, John, JoAnn, Todd and Ally.  We have never been to a pumpkin patch before so I called up Hollyn and asked here where her favorite one was.  She highly recommended this one. 
 Here is a picture before we left the house.  I swear I have the cutest little boy ever!

Putting on my sticker, getting ready to play....

Playing in the corn ...

Feeding the catfish ....

He was so excited to see all the animals.  He ran as fast as he could ...

Looking at the "bubby" (bunny) ....

Sliding down the slide...

He wasn't a big fan of bouncing on the balls...

He loved riding "Thomas the Train" as he called it ...

Driving the fire truck with Ally...

He walked through the whole corn maze ...

He was so excited to see all the pumpkins.  He kept trying to pick them up but they were too heavy.

We picked our 3 pumpkins and hopped back on the hayride.  The hayride ended back at our cars.  It was dark and cold so we decided to go eat at Boskey's where it was warm.  Next year we will have to go earlier.  We didn't get there until later and we didn't have a whole lot of time to enjoy all they had to offer before sundown.  You live and learn I guess!  We all still had a good time though!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Liam's 1st Pred's Game

October 17th was Liam's 1st Predators game.  We played the LA Kings and lost in the shootout. :( But we still had a good time!  Since the day Liam was born, he has been running around in Predators clothes.

Here is the outfit he came home from the hospital in...

I think he was 8 months old here....

Can't eat good food without a Predators bib!

For Christmas he got his first hockey stick and puck!

Here we are on the way to the game.

Picking up our tickets!

So interested in the game, he couldn't eat his fry!

Being silly and taking pictures to pass the time...

Liam photo bombing Aunt Maggie and Uncle Mark's picture.

I was surprised at how well he did at the game!  He sat in my lap most of the time.  We took breaks at the periods and walked around.  We met up with Grandaddy after the first period and hung out with him for a little while.  Thanks to Rebecca for coming into work early for me so I could go.  I hope we will be able to go to many more and that Liam grows up loving hockey like his mom, dad and grandaddy do!


Liam's new found toy that he has been interested in here lately is blocks.  We have had these blocks for a long time but he hasn't really paid much attention to them.  Last weekend at Rhode's birthday he sat and played with his blocks for a while.  So when we got home I decided to wash them all (since they have been outside, yuck!).  Once they were ready to play with, Liam started building.  I think we might have a architect on our hands?!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Old Timer's Day

October 5th was Old Timer's Day.  Last minute I decided to take Liam to watch the parade.  Ryan had to work, so I called Mark and Maggie to see if they wanted to meet us.  We packed up and went to dad's office and waited on everyone to get there.  Dad was already there and had chairs for us to sit in.  Mark and Maggie made it on time (which I never thought they would, hehe) and brought their dogs with them.  We all took turns trying to keep Liam from running out into the road.  It took Liam a little while to catch on that they were throwing candy and what to do with it once he picked it up, but he got it.  This year was hot.  Old Timer's Day is supposed to be cold and rainy!  After the parade was over we walked around the square to see what all it had to offer.  This year was definitely bigger than last year.  It just won't ever be like it was when I was growing up.  Dad and I were hungry so we skipped out on the food there and went to eat at Cracker Barrel.  Even though it's not the same, I'm just glad that Liam will grow up the the same traditions that I did!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bella Barker

Bella Barker is the new addition to our family.  Bella is the puppy of Maggie's dog Taylor.  Ryan and I had talked about getting Liam a puppy that would grow up with him.  So when Taylor had her puppies I thought now would be a good time.  I wanted one of her puppies and since it was her last litter we jumped on it!  We got the only girl out of they three she had.  I eventually want to breed her.  We named her Bella because of their last name Bell.  So Bella just stuck.  Well, Liam calls her " Bellwa."  Bella was born on July 5, 2013.  We picked her up after we got back from Florida when she was around 7 weeks old.  Bella is now 13 weeks old, weighs 6 pounds and is full of spunk!

Ryan doesn't do puke well ... I had to take a picture of this before I helped him clean up! HAHA!

Liam loves to lay down by Bella and let her lick all over him.  It is so cute.  He has his sweet little smile and belly laughs because her licking tickles.   When he goes to another room he always says "Come on Bellwa"  

As Bella has gotten older Liam has fallen more and more in love with her.  A few nights ago at my parents house Bella yelped for some reason.  Liam was sitting in his high chair and in he most concerned voice he said "OH NO BELLWA!  You OK Bellwa? You OK?"  It was so precious.  He kept asking her and I kept reassuring him she was fine.  I think he was waiting on her to answer him.

I took this picture yesterday at nap time.  I couldn't help myself.  Look how precious this is.