Monday, June 8, 2020

It's Beginning To Feel A Lot Like Summer!

First weekend of nice weather calls for many firsts of the summer!!!!

 First summer grilled cheeseburger ....

fire pit fire .....

night of camper chillaxin ....


and falling asleep on the ride home!

Our favorite time of the year is weekends spent on the lake!

Leon Goes Back To Germany

Coronavirus brought sadness to the world but we never expected it was take Leon away from us so soon.  We knew that when he came to the US that it would be hard to say goodbye to him when it was time for him to go.  We didn't expect it to come so soon.

Our last night together. Playing games and enjoying our last moments with him.

Our last family picture together.

Doing what they loved to do together - be lazy and play video games!

Holding on tight.  Trying to distract him from packing his things.

Trying to fit in his suitcase.

He fits!!!!

We miss Leon terribly and talk to him daily on Snapchat.  Hate that our time was cut short but thankful for the time we were able to spend together to get to know him. A piece of Germany will forever be in our hearts!