Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter Fun!!!

Easter egg dying at its finest.  We had fun and glad I had some extra hands to help me!

While Nana had the boys in the bath the grown ups were having fun dying their own eggs!

The final products...

Easter morning ... the Easter bunny came!!!

Liam's Easter Basket

Kane's Easter Basket

Reid's Easter Basket

Liam's response when I asked him how Easter lunch was ....

How handsome was his bow tie?!?

Just missing Ryan :(

The boys napped during lunch so when they woke up they were ready for some "bean beans" (green beans)

It started misting rain right before we decided to do our egg hunt.  Once it slowed down the boys caught on to the egg hunting quickly!

Counting their candy and egg money

Next, we were off to Nana & Papa's to eat Easter dinner and for another egg hunt!

Pro egg hunters

This was Hudson's first egg hunt so he had a slow start but he caught on quickly as well!

He found the silver egg!

Liam found the Golden egg!

Opening the eggs!

We started Easter morning at early service at church.  Liam is old enough to go to service with me and he goes to Wee Worship while Dr. Cox does the sermon.  It makes my heart happy to see how excited he is to be there.  Some mornings its like pulling teeth to get there but he always leaves happy and has a story to tell.  I want to be more involved than I have been in church here lately and I want my boys to be too.  No more excuses! Although the eggs and bunnies are fun I want them to know the real meaning of Easter.  The sacrifice He made for us.