Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Peaches & Finger Foods

I have had a really hard time finding peaches worth buying.  I know its winter and off season but I know someone somewhere has found a way to grow them year round! lol  I finally found some at Walmart, of all places, and bought a few for the boys to try.  I let them set out a couple days and ripen but they were still hard and small.  They were kind of bitter too, so I decided to sauté them to soften and sweeten them up.

I think I bought about 6 peaches and thats all it made.

I have started letting them self feed here lately.  We tried chopped up bananas first.  They get puffs and yogurt things as a snack before they eat and they do well with them. 

Trying out our peaches for the first time!

I scrambled up some egg yolk one morning.  They weren't sure what to think about it but they kept eating it.  I saved what they didn't eat and gave it to them another night.  That was a bad idea.  I guess from reheating them it made them harder and they choked and puked on them.  So from now on we will only eat freshly cooked egg yolk.

Next we tried Kiwi.  They love fruit.  There has not been a fruit they haven't liked.  It was a little harder for them to eat because they were so slimy and had to chase them around the tray.

Next I boiled up some potatoes and then fried them up in some butter and made some hash browns. They love feeding themselves but it makes them so messy which causes me some anxiety but it's good for them!

They look like such big boys in the picture!

Twins 9 Months

9 months old and officially pulling up on EVERYTHING!  See all that drool? 

34 weeks in ....

34 weeks out.

Both of them passed out!

My birthday was this month.  January 19th to be exact.  I turned 28 this year :(  We all ate at Elmo's for dinner and I got these beautiful rings from my mom and Aunt Mandy!  They have all 3 boys names on them!

Ryan spent one afternoon lowering the cribs after walking into see this.  Since they are starting to pull up on everything, we decided to just go on and do it!  

Here is another picture of their teeth.  It is still nearly impossible to take a picture of them.

Kane wasn't a fan of trying to get a picture! As of February 17th, Kane has one of his top teeth that has cut through too.  

My first major blowout!  I am usually pretty good about catching it before it gets this bad!  And boy was it bad!  Gag worthy!

Puppies got a bath!  They were not happy campers and were freaked out by the blow dryer!  

Their treat after bath time.  All three puppies have found a new home now.  Liam misses them but I am glad to not hear all that howling!

Alex has become one of his best buddies!  Alex usually comes over to play once a week.  They play really well together and Liam always has a melt down when he leaves.  Alex also took one of the puppies home with him!  Her name is Macy :)

Boys had to go to the shot clinic this month to finish out their flu shots.  I was tempted to not get the second round since it hasn't been as effective this year but I took them anyways.  I would have blamed myself if they had gotten the flu and I never got the second round.



Bray came to play and hang out for a little bit.  Here they are watching cartoons together.

G and Grandy took us to see the Ringling Brother's Circus!  Liam loved it!

This poor baby passed out standing up while I was vacuuming.  

I have days where my headaches make me just want to lay around on the couch.  But look at this face.  They want their momma!!!!!!

Taking selfies

We have started letting the boys roam around the house.  They are getting to where they don't want to be cooped up in their play pen anymore.  Liam even crawls around the house with them sometimes. 

Because of all this roaming they are getting tough knees!

Ryan rocking all his boys!

Liam decided he was going to hop out of the bathtub and warm his tooshie in front of the fireplace.  He says "Ahh.... It's warm and comfy."

It has been easy to tell them apart here lately.  Reid has started to scrunch his nose up when you talk to him.  It's too cute!

They have become little houdinis.  They try their hardest to squeeze between the the pen and the couch to get out and roam. They have succeeded a couple of times!

Kane before his circumcision surgery.

We were brave and took everyone out for breakfast at Cracker Barrel.  We survived and so did the kids! Liam couldn't shovel in his pancakes fast enough.



My babies are getting so big and handsome :(   I can't believe they are 9 months old!



These are called bottle pals.  I wish they would hold their bottles when they eat so maybe these will help with that.  As you can see, Kane is still refusing to hold it... hehe! Thanks Mike and Genie Jarrell!

This years first snow/ice.  Ryan took Liam out to play around in it.

I am going to have to get crib rail covers.  They are gnawing on the rail with their little bottom teeth.
That might be my next sewing project :)



Silly silly boys!



This was a disaster.  They will not sit still for the chair picture. 

This was just seconds before Kane decided to take a dive off into the floor.  I tried to catch him ... I was only semi successful but it didn't seem to phase him!  So I just gave up! Lol!