Thursday, August 17, 2017

Dentist Time!

In June, Kane went to the dentist with me and while we were there he let them count and clean his teeth too.

Liam and Reid went this week.  This wasn't Liam's first time so he was able to go first and be brave and show Reid how it is done.  Unfortunately, Liam hasn't been brushing his teeth the best.  He has a cavity that he has to get filled in December.  Poor thing is scared to death of sugar now.   He refused gummies the other night because they were "made of sugar and the sugar bugs will get in my cavity and turn it black and hurt me"

The boys watching every move Anna made.

Reid's turn!!!

Kane giving Reid a pep talk

Everyone got to pick out a toy from the treasure box for being so good.  Everyone picked out a slinky which were all tangled up before we even got out of the door!

Liam Starts Kindergarten!!!!

What happened to my baby???!?!?  I cannot believe Liam starts Kindergarten this year!!! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital.  I guess time flies when you are having fun!  Liam starts Kindergarten at College Street Elementary School this year.  CSES is where I went to elementary school from K-4th grade.  In 5th grade I chose to go to North Coffee.  

Name: John William "Liam" Barker
Age: 5
Favorite color: Green & Orange
Favorite food: Toaster Strudel, Corn Dogs, Pizza
What do you want to be when you grow up: "A Dad, so I can adopt some kids"
I like to: watch the iPad, swim in the pool and read

He will graduate Class of 2030

August 2nd was the first day he had to be there.  We were only there for a couple minutes to sign up for a testing date and meet some of the teachers.

At the office getting a pep talk from dad.

With the office being in front to CSES, Liam will be able to walk to and from school once he gets into a routine and we feel comfortable enough for him to do it on his own. 

Liam went in for testing on August 4th.  Aunt Leslie was there to show us around the school.  He will phase into his class on August 14th and 15th.  They will go half a day those two days and on August 17th he will go all day.  We found out that his teacher is going to be Mrs. White.  We are so excited about that!!!  This school year is going to be a new, fun and exciting time not only for Liam but for me as well!  Excited to see what all he learns and what all his teachers learn from him!!  We have one smart boy!!!  How many 5 years olds can read before they even enter Kindergarten?!?! 

August 14th was his first day of Phase in.  His class was split into 2 groups.  Liam was in the Phase 2 group.  

Everyone met up in the gym that morning and each teacher came in and gathered their students and took them to their classroom.  Parents separated out their supplies and the kids got to explore the room and find their cubby and desk.  At the desk there was a box of crayons and a Welcome to Kindergarten coloring sheet to color.  Liam also found the books and the board with all the AR points and prizes.  He asked how many books he needed to read to get the ice cream.  Haha!! I also found out that he chose to read a poem to his class mates and did a really good job! I am so amazed at his reading ability!

Mrs. White is his teacher

It was Nana's birthday that day so we picked her up to surprise Liam and take her out to lunch and eat Mexican. 

Day 2 of phase in and Liam wanted me to drop him off and not walk him in.  I told him to make sure he went to the gym.  His reply was "Ok mom, I know what the gym looks like."  He got out, closed the door, turned around, gave me the biggest smile, waved and off he went through the front doors like it was nothing.  I always thought I would have been a hot mess when this day came but I have been more proud than sad during this whole process. 

Kentucky Family Reunion

I has been so long since we have had a family reunion.  August 5th we traveled to Hickman Co, Kentucky for the Jones/Atwill Reunion.  We had it at my great uncle Tommy's house.  They had so much for us to do there.  Cornhole, washers, giant Jenga, Badminton, horseshoes, water balloons, slip  n slide kickball and there was a piñata for the kids.  Im sure I am forgetting something but you get the idea of what fun we had!

Giant Jenga

Slip 'N Slide

Ryan and Marlisa goofing off

Piñata time!

Kane went missing and was found under the food table ... pooping

Chalkboard for everyone to sign

Gotta LOVE my crazy family!!!!


After the reunion we went back to the hotel to swim.  Here are the little fishes taking a bath after swimming.

Breakfast time!  Barrett and his princesses, Hardy Lee and Rosie.

Ryan had this idea to take a tour of the Shiloh National Military Park on our way home.  We had nothing else to do so we made the best of it!

We watched a re-enactment video and the boys played with their toy confederate soldiers 

After the video we took the 13 mile tour where you followed a map and it told you where each battle was and where soldiers were buried and where camps were set up.  It was interesting to see and image what it would have been like back in those days.

We stopped at Pucketts Grocery for dinner and had some yummy ice cream at Hattie Jane's Creamery