Monday, July 30, 2012

I'm 8 Months Old!!!!

Oh my what a crazy month this has been! Maybe not crazy, just busy.  I can no longer just lay him down and he just lay there.  Oh no!  I can't even lay him down long enough to change his diaper.  He flips and flops and it takes all my might just to put a diaper or clothes on him.  He is crawling everywhere and pulls up on pretty much everything.

 I'm not sure how much he weighs but I am guessing around 18-19lbs. He has a very healthy appetite.  He eats 2 solid food meals a day and drinks about 4-5 bottles a day.  New foods are mashed potatoes, acorn squash and green beans.  I am no longer breastfeeding.  It got to be a hassle for not a lot of milk.  So he is on Similac Sensitive and he did really well transitioning to just plain formula.  He holds his bottle all by himself now :(  He now knows what the little bowls of food are when I am fixing his food and when he sees them he whines and cries until you finally put the spoon in his mouth.  He has figured out the whole cause and effect thing!  He knows if he cries or whines he will get what he wants.  We have been working on trying to eliminate that but it seems that once he gets a little bit better about it he gets spoiled at his grandparents house!!!!! He is definitely developing his little personality!!!

 We finally have 2 teeth.  It's the bottom two.  I thought they would never get here.  It seems like they took 2 months to come in.  Teething has been pretty miserable for him.  Thank goodness for orajel, ibuprofen and ice teethers!  They became a bedtime routine there for a few weeks. He is in size 2 diapers and still in 6 months clothes but that won't be for long.  Here in the next few weeks I will be switching out some of his clothes in his drawers to 9 months.  He is starting to bust out of the seams in some of his clothes. 

 He would not sit still long enough to take pictures .... here we are about to dive into the camera

 He is definitely a mommas boy and I love it!  He is my little buddy! I love you Liam. I wish you could stay little forever!  Happy 8 month birthday!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Swimming Lessons

Last Monday started Mommy and Me swim lessons.  I made my schedule at work so that we could attend most of the days.  The only day we are missing is Wednesdays.  The classes are 2 weeks long so we have one more week to go.  I am really surprised at how well he is doing for a 7 1/2 month old.  He loves the water!  We start out by singing some songs to get them used to the water.  He splashes and giggles, it is so cute!  The class is only 30 minutes long but it definitely wears us both out!  I am so glad that Liam and Landon are so close in age.  It gives Hollyn and I a chance to catch up since our lives are so wrapped around our children now.  I have enjoyed getting to know Jenny and Maddie too!  Baby James isn't too far in age from Landon and Liam, so there is another ball player to add to the team :)  The funniest thing that Liam started doing Thursday was when we would have him float on his back, the first thing he would do was automatically put his hands behind his head! It was too funny!  I got the guts to completely dunk him Thursday too!  I was totally against it when we first started but after talking to some other people and reading up about it I decided that it probably isn't so bad after all.  Well I decided to and Hollyn told me I better just do it before I change my mind.  So I did, and he loved it!  He definitely wasn't expecting it but he didn't cry or get upset about it. I'm so glad he is a little water baby!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The 4th of July

Liam's 1st July 4th went much better than I psyched myself up for.  I had to work that day but I got off just in time for the festivities.  I picked him up from Nana Jo's house and Ryan and I met up with my parents at Mr. OD's house across from the Rec Center.  We were right beside where they lit the fireworks.  By the time it was firework time, it was also bedtime.  He was starting to get a little fussy so I warmed up a bottle but there were too many people and too much going on to eat.  Finally, the fireworks started.  I was expecting screaming, but to my surprise he sat there and watched them with no fuss at all.  He would flinch every once in a while but he did really well with them.  I held his ears at first and at one point when I didn't have his ears covered, he put his little hand up on his ear and snuggled up to me trying to go to sleep.  The moment the fireworks were over, he was out!  Today was also a special day for another reason.  I was my Granddaddy's birthday.  We went and saw him the Monday before his birthday and brought him ice cream and strawberries.  He was surprised to see all of us there and I think he would have licked the ice cream bowl if we would have let him.  That's Grandaddy, he never leaves a thing on his plate!  I have to get better at taking pictures since I didn't take any of the the special time we had with him :( But here are some before the fireworks started and it got too dark!

Pulling Up!

Oh my! The past few days have been busy busy! No more laying him down and knowing that there is nothing he can do to hurt himself.  Nope, not anymore.  He is pulling up on everything.  Once he did it the first time, it was over from there. This morning I had folded clothes and put them in a basket and left them on his play mat in the living room.  Well he decided to pull up on it and start unfolding the clothes. 

To my surprise he was even pulling up on the couch. 

 I can't believe our baby is growing up so fast!  We lowered the bed the other day when we realized that he was starting to try to pull up.

 Today when he got up from his nap, this is what we saw....
I guess we are going to have to lower it down even more!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I'm 7 Months Old!!!!

Watching Liam learn and grow has been such a joy.  This by far is my favorite stage. I know that I will say that every time I blog.  He is on a pretty steady schedule now.  He eats pretty much 4 times a day.  First thing in the morning he gets solid food.  He gets some type of cereal and a fruit or yogurt and then part of a bottle.  For lunch he gets a full bottle.  For dinner he gets solid foods again.  We give him veggies and sometimes a fruit.  I decided to kind of veer off from the Super Baby Food Diet book and I boiled him some chicken and pureed it up.  He loves it, especially when we mix it with a veggie! And at night before he goes to bed, he gets another full bottle.  We have increased his ounces again so "part" of a bottle is 5 ounces and a full bottle is 7 ounces.  I am having to supplement with formula which was something that I didn't want to do.  My body has pretty much decided to only produce about 15 ounces a day which is not enough!  I'm okay with formula now, it just wasn't part of my plan.  I keep telling myself that I am lucky to get as far as I did.  He is starting to get some rolls on him and he is definitely getting heavier!  He is getting easier to travel with.  Now, I can just get him out of his car seat and sit him in a buggy or a highchair at a restaurant.  As for teeth, well.... he has been trying to get teeth now for a month it seems.  There are days when I can feel a sharp little area on his bottom gums and then there are days when they are swollen and I can't really feel much of anything thing.  Lately we have been having to give him ibuprofen or tylenol and keep orajel on his gums.  That has kind of been a routine before bed.  He was wearing me out waking up every 2-3 hours every night.  He seems to sleep better at night now that we do that.  He usually goes down between 8-9 and wakes up around 6-6:30 or I wake him up around 5-5:30 on days that I have to go to work.  I am going to have to start baby proofing the house here pretty soon.  He is crawling around but he is still slow and I can keep him contained in the living room but that isn't going to last too much longer.  He loves jumping in his jumper and cackles when we play peek a boo. We spend at least one day a week on the new boat and he LOVES the water!!!  His first birthday will be here before we know it so I guess I need to start planning! We love you monkey!