Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Reid & Kane's 1st Haircut

I decided that after 15 months it was time for a haircut.  We are about to leave for vacation so everyone got haircuts!  I called up Linda and we made an appointment.  I had to do it all by myself because Ryan had to work so I packed up the pack n' play just in case.  I put it up in the shop but they didn't want to spend any time in it.  They actually did better than I thought they would just walking around in the shop.  I decided since Reid was born first he should get his hair cut first.  








See the tears starting ....


Not a happy camper :)

Suckers for doing a good job!
My little handsome boys!

The Last 3 Months in a Nutshell

I have been off of the blogging bandwagon sooo....  since I am on vacation and at this point burnt to a crisp I decided to spend some time catching up all the events in the last 3 months. 

Josh & Lauren's BEAUTIFUL wedding at Arrington Vineyard

They boys have learned how to climb up onto the couch.

My grandfather, Jack Thomas, passed away peacefully at home.  He was one of a kind and we sure will miss him!

We have been blessed to spend lots of time with sweet Cooper Meacham and watch him grow!

We love bubbles!

G worked her magic and got both of the twins to sleep!

Afternoon walks in the neighborhood.

Nana bought a blow up bouncer for the boys to play on and they all love it!

Bubbles at G's house.

Swimming at Mike's house.

This picture pretty much sums up my boys, WILD!

Liam had swimming lessons at the Manchester Rec Center again this year.  This year he was actually in a class without me!  He did so good!

This is what happens to our backyard when it comes a flood.  Liam seems to enjoy it though!

Sliding on the playground at Nana & Poppa's house.




And my favorite slide picture, Hudson.

Maggie and I made 14 day sweet pickles!  My mouth waters just thinking about them!

Bella delivered 6 puppies.... 2 of them on my couch before I even noticed.  We had 3 boys and 3 girls.  They are half Yorkie and half Jack Russell.

I got to pick out new sunglasses for my 6 year anniversary.  Liam got him some Rayban Wayfarers too! 

He also got to eat a chicken leg for dinner at Nana's house!

Our poor playroom.  It's always a disaster! Anyone who comes to my house overlook the playroom or any room for that matter.  We are making memories in our clutter!

We had a little scare with Liam and some tick bites.  Maggie pulled 2 ticks off of Liam's back in the shower one day and it wasn't until 2 weeks later that these rashes showed up.  We took him to see Dr. Eastham just to make sure.  He put him on 2 weeks of antibiotics and treated him as though it was Lyme's Disease.  The poor guy wouldn't eat and all he wanted to do was lay around.  We were pretty worried!

They have learned to climb onto the bed now! 

More afternoon walks!  This time at Nana & Poppa's house!

Fun day at the Rec center pool!

Hudson sunbathing while Liam swims.

I have been watching Hudson more since Poppa has gone to night shift for a little while.  It was tough but I made it putting 4 small kids in a kiddie pool by myself.  

They have also found the dryer and figured out how to climb into it and close the door!

That pretty much sums up the last 3 months.  I am going to try to be better about it from now on.  I say that every time but these kiddos keep me pretty busy and I wouldn't have it any other way!