Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tiny Tots! - Team Exit Reality

This year I signed Liam up to play ball.  For some odd reason he is not old enough to play t-ball but I was able to sign him up for Tiny Tots softball which is coach pitch.  You would think it would be the other way around.  His little attention span is very short so I knew it would be interesting and it has been for sure!  He is one of the smallest and youngest on the team.  He is Mr. Social Butterfly!  Their team is Exit Reality and he is number 4 (of course!)  That was my number when I played ball!

Here are some pictures of the first couple practices, opening day and their first scrimmage.

They started out on the tee to get their fundamentals down.  The league is coach pitch but since some of them have never played before the tee was helpful to get those basics down.

Stretching before practice so they don't pull any muscles!

Liam's first time hitting in practice without a tee.

How cute is this?  The coaches geared Liam up to practice catching behind the plate.  Ryan is explaining to him what his responsibilities are.

Opening day parade was April 9, 2016.  They had a parade of all teams from softball and baseball that walked around the square and down to the baseball fields to watch the first pitch thrown to kick off the season.  Here are the boys waiting for Liam to walk around to us.  It was cold!!!

There is his team!!!

Unfortunately, due to his age we are still having melt downs when it comes to not wanting to walk and have his picture taken!

Here is an aerial view of all the teams together on the field.

Later that day we had our first scrimmage against the first team we were scheduled to play in the season.  Here is Ryan and Liam practicing before the game.

Brothers watching and learning.

How cute is he!!! He is so funny! He definitely had everyone laughing!

Coach Bethany helping him get ready to bat.  Ryan took Liam to pick out a helmet and this is the one he chose.  Red, White and Blue! 

We won the scrimmage!!! We have a pretty good little team!  I am so thankful that we have good coaches that are taking their time with these young kids! I have heard that people have had bad experiences with Tiny Tots but so far we love it!

Team Exit!!!!!!