Tuesday, December 31, 2019

ABC Fashion Show

 First few weeks of Kindergarten is ABC Bootcamp.  At they end of the alphabet everyone took home a paper vest with an assigned letter to decorate with things beginning with that letter.  

Kane had the letter K.

Work it!  Work it!!

Reid had the letter R

Reid and his friend Penny

Monday, December 30, 2019

Take Your Parents to PE

Take your parents to PE!  Parents were encouraged to come and enjoy a day of P.E. with the kids!  I was only able to make it to Reid's PE day.  I had to work for the other two.  

Starting the warm up...

Who can hula hoop?!?!?

Coffee County Fair 2019

September means it's Fair time!  I remember being younger and fair time meaning cooler weather, especially at night time.  Not these days!  Everyone is in shorts and t-shirts. We had fun this year with the addition of Leon.  They boys also found friends from school to ride rides with. 

Of course these two found each other!

Ferris wheel fun!

Sweet kids! 

School's out for FAIR DAY!!!!

Of course these jumping things aren't included in the hand stamp.  I want to say it was like $5 per kid to just for 5 minutes. RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Grandparents Breakfast @ CSES

CSES Grandparents Breakfast! These boys love their G, Grandy, Nana & Papa!!!

You guys are grand!!! We appreciate you all so much!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Summer Recap

Summer Recap - A lot of little things happened throughout the summer.  Too much to make separate blogs about.  I want to make sure I capture it all so that I can look back and remember.

Lazy mornings

Ryan gets a new logo for work

For a short amount of time we had a Jeep that we enjoyed riding around in!

Swimming lessons were NO FUN this year.  I wanted to do them early so that they could learn and spend the summer being little fish.  Well that backfired.  I forgot how cold the water would be during May.  They were miserable and I don't feel that they learned what they needed because they shivered and cried they WHOLE TIME!!!  To this day - months later they cringe when I talk about swimming lessons!

Movie Nights!


Helping mom clean the house

I received a Director Star at work!

Put together a baby shower for my newest nephew

Attempted to teach Liam how to ride a bike

Leon joined our family from Germany

Lost more teeth

Started kindergarten and 2nd grade :o

Leon's first day of American High School

Liam and Kylie are in the same homeroom - AGAIN! :)

Put together a baby shower for the Dorak Twins

Liam looses even more teeth!

Luke Dorak throws a party for his birthday!

First day of Kindergarten phase in!

Our yearly pickle making

Loving school and learning A LOT!

Celebrating Nana's Birthday

Spending an afternoon climbing at Climb in Murfreesboro

ABC bootcamp

Leon learns to play American Football

Cheering him on!

Dorak twins make their appearance

Box jumps kick my butt!

Liam starts going to "big church"

Twins true colors start to come out at school

Landon throws a party for his birthday

Spending time with moms and best friends!

Celebrating 10 years of marriage

Shew!  Are you tired yet? Yeah, me too!  That was a lot but I enjoy these quick recaps.  Life for us is busy and it's getting harder and harder for me to keep up with this blog.  Sometimes I think I will just let it go and not worry about it anymore but then I think about how mad/sad I would be if I didn't continue to keep documenting our memories.  Bare with me as I continue to finish up documenting the rest of this year!