Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Color Run

March 30 was The Color Run.  I had heard stories about how much fun it was so I had to see for myself.  That morning everyone met at my house and we headed to Nashville.  Holly, Martha and I rode together and Ashton, Dylan and Maggie rode together.  Mark, Ryan and Liam drove down to watch the action.  We stopped at Starbucks for some morning pick me up, knowing exactly what it would do to some of us later. I hate that I didn't get a picture of it either.  Some of us (not me) had to make a pit stop in between some cars during the race.  Strangely, there were no port-a-potties on the course.  So they made their own :)

We made it to Nashville right on time and didn't really stand in line too long.  We were the 3rd or 4th wave to start.

I have to say that it is probably the most fun thing I have done in a long time! It was a 5K and throughout the the race there were stations of color to run through.   We made sure that we we covered in every color.

We tried to make sure that we captured as many moments as possible.  Here are some of us taking pictures are we are running.

The last color was blue and I wanted to be covered in it.  I decided that I was going to spin around as I ran through. Bad idea!  As I was turning the girl thought I just wanted my back covered and as I turned around she nailed my face.  Right then I knew what it was like to be blind.  It was in my eyes, nose and mouth.  After a few minutes I was better but I looked like a smurf!

 We had cheerleaders at the finish line, some weren't so happy to see me :(  Here is Liam's reaction to me when he saw my face.

After we finished we decided to take pictures of our colorful selves.

I have saved the best pictures for last.  I can't wait till the next color run!  Next time I will be prepared and wear sunglasses. :)