Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Scar Face

So today while I am at work I get a phone call from Ryan.  He says "What have you done to scare my Nanny?"  Excuse me????  Haha!  So while Liam was at his great grandparents today, he was in his play pen playing with this caterpillar toy.  I'm not sure about the details but it was a BIG ordeal.  Supposedly the caterpillar toy was upside down and he fell on it.  She said that he didn't cry but that he had these poor little scrapes all down the side of his face.   And the tears started rolling.  Not by him, but by her.  Bless her heart she was so afraid that we were going to be mad at her.  As sad as it is, I know that he is a boy and there will be many more bumps and bruises to come.  She was so worried she had my mother-in-law and sister-in-law come by to check on him to make sure he was ok.  Here is a picture of his poor little scar face ....

9 Month Check Up

Once again I am behind on my blogging.  I keep telling myself that I am going to get better about this since I am making his blog into his baby book.... one day.  Now that he is almost 10 months old I will post about his nine month appointment. LOL  It was nothing special really.  He seems to be coming along like his is supposed to.  He weighed 18.8 pounds, 12 pounds more than when he was born and in the 27%.  Not enough to turn his new seat to forward facing.  Dr. Eastham actually told us that he can stay rear facing till he is two.  He also said that probably isn't reasonable since his feet will be all scrunched up.  But he recommended that we keep him rear facing as long as possible.  I am ready for him to be forward facing so that we can put in his DVD player and he can watch movies to keep him preoccupied in the car!  Oh well, safety first!  He was 27.75 inches long. Putting him in the 20% and 7 inches longer than he was when he was born!  As for head circumference, he is now in the 46%.  Poor thing, he gets that from his daddy.  He gave us the go ahead on brushing his two little teeth which he loves.  Its got to feel good and it's apple banana flavored!  At the end of the office visit was the dreaded shots.  He wasn't supposed to get any this time around but since Flu season is around the corner we got our first set of the Flu shot.  He will get the second part of the series in November when we go back for our 12 month appointment.  All in all we have a happy healthy boy who we love and adore!


Well Ryan is the big 30!  Last Thursday was Ryan's birthday and for his birthday we went to Tunica, Mississippi.  He insisted that is what he wanted to do for his birthday so after a few phone calls by my parents to a friend of theirs, we got rooms at the Gold Strike.  We made it a family affair.  My parents, Ryan's mom and his sister and brother-in-law came along to.  I am so thankful they did too, because I did not want to leave Liam at home.  We all took turns keeping him so that I could have time to play cards with Ryan.  Here he is on the ride there.

Yum!  He had french fries at Steak and Shake.  French fries have become one of our favorites!

Watching G play on her iPad.  Another one of his favorite things to do!

My parents, Liam and I left on Thursday to go to Memphis to see some family.  We stayed the night with my Aunt Becky and went out to eat dinner at McCalisters with her and my cousin Carroll. On Friday we made our way to Tunica to meet up with Ryan and his mom, sister and brother-in-law.   We put our stuff in the room and then went to eat at the buffet before everyone started playing games.  After we ate, Liam and I made our way back to the room because something I had ate just wasn't settling with me and we spent the rest of the night in the room. Ryan didn't get back to the room until early that morning.  He got a few hours of sleep until Liam woke up at 6 am on the dot like he does every morning.  We got up and woke everyone else up and went to eat breakfast.  After breakfast, Ryan went back to sleep and Liam took a nap so I left both of them in the room and spent some money on the slot machines.  I left the casino after the Wheel Of Fortune slots took all my money.  Later that night my parents, Liam and I drove back to Memphis to watch the MTSU vs. Memphis game.  My cousin Lance plays on the team so we met up with Pam, Gene and Aunt Vicki to watch Lance play his first game and whoop some Memphis Tigers booty!

When we got back to the casino, mom watched Liam while I met up with Ryan and he got me playing 3 card poker with him.  He had already won quite a bit of money so I figured I would try it out.  I cashed in early and took the majority of our winnings to the room with me to relieve mom.  Both of them were passed out!  Sunday morning we had a late check out so we ate breakfast and hit the poker tables again while JoAnn watched Liam for a little bit.  My parents, Liam and I left at one when our check out was but everyone else stayed over and played for a little while longer.  We ended coming home with about $1000 more than we came with so that was nice.  It went straight to the bank the next day to put towards some land that we are wanting to buy.

This is what we had at one point so I had to take a picture of it.  LOL  What we came home with was pretty close to that though!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I'm 9 Months Old!!!!!

Boy am I behind in blogging.  Either this month was really busy or the time went by extra fast, or maybe I was just plain lazy!  Quite a bit has gone on this month so I am going to try to fit in all that I can remember.

Cousin Kenny from Louisiana came in to visit.  This was the second time I had met Kenny and this was the first time that Kenny and Liam met.  Kenny and Aunt Maggie made us some Louisiana gumbo which was pretty darn good.  The city election was going on while he was here so we spent all of election day sitting in front of the Ada Wright Building showing our support for Nanny.  Later that night we went out to eat with the whole family!

Liam has gotten 2 teeth since the last post.  They were little boogers to come in but they finally made their breakthrough thank goodness.  Speaking of boogers, never mind the one in the picture :)  Lets just say that since those teeth have come in, I have gotten some good uninterrupted sleep every night!  I am dreading the next ones coming in.

As for foods, he has been eating more of what we are eating.  He likes macaroni noodles, chopped up kiwi and carrots.  He like mashed potatoes and the beans when I eat chili.  It is funny to watch him eat the kiwi.  It is so slimy so by the time he gets it to his mouth, he as already chased it all over the tray.

He is crawling all over the place.  I have to barricade him in his little play area in the living room because when he escapes he goes straight for the stereo system or to the bathroom to play with his bathtub toys.  For some weird reason he hates to lay down and have is diaper or clothes changed.  He knows exactly what he is doing too.  I can tell him to stop and he will just look at me with this hateful face and then start whining like it hurt his feelings.  I have had to pop his leg a time or two, (not hard, just to get his attention), and that seems to make the same impression on him. LOL

Ok so I hate to say this because every momma wants their babies first word to be "mama." Unfortunately for me, I wasn't so lucky.  His first word was "dada."  That is exciting for Ryan, and I am excited for him too.  But I still wanted it to be "mama" first :)  Since then he has now said "mama" and he says it quite often.  Especially when I walk out of the room and he can still see me.  He can also tell me when he is hungry.  He will stick out his chin and move his little mouth open and close real fast and say a combination of "ma" and "ba" in his little whiny voice.  That usually means "you better feed me now!"

I have boxed up all of his 6 month clothes :( and put out all his 9 month stuff.  I wasn't sure what size he would be in when he was 9 months so I haven't really bought any 9 month clothes.  So his 9 month section in the closet is a little sparse.  I need more short sleeve 9 month stuff because it is still hot outside.  As for 12 month stuff, we have plenty.  I love pajamas and he has a whole entire drawer stuffed with 12 month fleece footie pajamas lol

We have a water baby!  He has enjoyed going to the lake and his favorite time of the day is bath time.  I just love that sweet face .... and that sweet tooshie too!!!

As sad as we were to see Kate, our photographer, move to Arkansas, we are happy to have met Angela Zuill.  Angela and Kate are good friends and Kate referred us to her.  Angela got to capture our little monkey's 9 month photos and she did a great job too!  Here are just a few...

It just so happened that the day we had these pictures taken we were also celebrating our 3 year anniversary.  These last 3 years have been the best 3 years of my life!  I love my boys! I don't know what I would do without them!

Oh yea! We have moved into a big boy seat for the car!  His little legs were hanging over his infant seat and he was starting to get too heavy to carry in that thing.  After some research and advice from some friends we picked out a seat at Toys R Us.  It is still rear facing but I'm hoping that at our next Dr's appointment he will tell us that he is big enough to turn around.  We bought headrest DVD players for him to watch movies on and I just know he will love them! Here he is trying out his new seat for the first time.

His first birthday is coming up and I can't believe it will be here before we know it!  I have already picked out his birthday theme and booked his cake ... let the planning begin!!!