Saturday, November 1, 2014

Cedarwood Pumpkin Patch

Fall means cooler weather, longer sleeves, Alex's Halloween party and a trip to the Cedarwood Pumpkin Patch!

This year our friend Alex had his Halloween party at Cedarwood Pumpkin Patch.  Last year he had it at Grandaddy's Farm.  They do it just for fun and the kids have a blast.  Katy and I have been friends for a long time (since middle school) and I am glad that our kids are getting to grow up together!

Liam wanted nothing to do with petting the bunny …. lame.  

He did, in fact, want to pet the miniature pony.  Later on in the day another miniature pony would kick him.  See Liam, you should of just pet the bunny!

Watching the piggies root in the mud!

Riding the train.  He refused to ride by himself.  I wish he would start to do more things alone.  He is such a chicken!  I guess I better enjoy it because I know it won't last too much longer!  But I can't hold all 3 next time!  Looks like I might be riding the train more than once next year! 

The peddle cars were a workout.  I couldn't drive it with Liam in my lap and he was too little to do it by himself.  So, I just pushed him around.  Haha!

Liam got a pumpkin painted on his face.

Ryan let Liam decide which way to go in the corn maze.  I'm pretty sure we took the longest route to get out of there!

Brother being a good sport walking through the maze strapped onto momma.

Time for the hayride to pick out our pumpkin.  Ryan decided to stay back and take the stroller back to the car.  Yea, that left me with all 3 kids.  I had help but it is still stressful in situations like this!

Reid patiently waiting on the hayride.

Hudson patiently waiting on the hayride.

Kane patiently waiting on the hayride.  Haha!

Alex, Katy, Liam & Jonathon

Katy found the "Huk" in her purse.

Liam picked out his pumpkin and wanted to take a picture!

I love this smart, sweet and loving boy of mine!

See how much Liam has grown and read about last years trip to the pumpkin patch, here.

Cereal, Sweet Potatoes & Avocados

Time to start feeding these growing babies!  They have been getting more and more interested in us eating so I figured it was time to get the trusty "Super Baby Food Book" out!  We started out with cereal for about a week until we got down the whole spoon feeding thing and then we moved on from there!

Next on the list to start was sweet potatoes.  I baked 2 sweet potatoes in the oven until they were soft and then blended them in the blender with some water until they were the consistency I wanted them to be for the boys.  I made all of Liam's baby food when he was a baby and enjoyed every minute of it.  I like knowing what they are actually getting and it's so much better for them!  I put the food in ice cube trays and freeze them.  Each cube is 1oz.  I just throw 2 of them in a bowl and warm them up and they are gone in no time!

Next, we have started avocados.  Unfortunately they weren't too excited about them.  I can't really blame them because I am not a big fan of them either but they are a good fat for them to have and a good first food to start with!

Reid was the least excited about avocados! Haha!

Needless to say I didn't force it on them.  I ended up mixing them with sweet potatoes and they went down a lot better that way!  Looking back at my blog with Liam I did things totally different.  I started with cereal then bananas.  Next was avocados and sweet potatoes.  I mixed Liam's avocados with bananas.  Here is a link to all of Liam's first food attempts!

Big Boy Food, here.
Avocados, here.
Sweet potatoes & Pears, here.

Twins: 5 Months

So I did it … I cut it all off!  It was getting too hard to handle and I needed a change.  I did this around the time Liam was the twins age.  I finally had enough to donate to Locks of Love.  I love it and it's easy to take care of!

My last bag of breast milk :(  Makes me sad but I have an awesome sister-in-law that produces way too much and is feeding the boys and hers too!

If you keep up with my blog then this picture might look familiar.  Liam got one of these sores on his finger when he was a baby.  This is Reid's finger.  Im not quite sure what happened to it but I have been keeping neosporin on it.  If he would keep it out of his mouth it would heal faster.  

Look at these big boys in their stroller going for a walk!  

Liam had to water the grass …

Sometimes our walks make us sleepy!

We kidnapped Hudson one day and held him ransom until his momma fixed up some supper!

It looks like I was the only one walking these kids but my mother-in-law was there to help.  I do some crazy things but I would never tackle this by myself!

Liam has found Pizza Lunchables and he loves them!  He gets to play with his food and eat it too!

The boys started rolling over this month.  Reid was first.  Kane followed a few days later!  It's getting harder and harder to keep them contained!


Kane & Reid


We get asked a lot if they are triplets.  I can see why!

Wiggling out of his diaper!

Twinkie monsters!

Nanna and Poppa took the boys to Old Timer's Day while I worked!  Liam had a blast at the parade and came home with lots of candy… for momma!

This sweet face!!!!!!

I have been working on getting clothes ready for the next consignment sale.  Here is the boys clothes from premie to 3-6 months.  :o

It never fails … I put them down and they are asleep.  The moment I lay my head down this is what happens ….

Playing footsie 

Getting in the Halloween spirit!

Kane Mummy

Reid Pumpkin

We have also discovered our feet this month!  Those toes spend a lot of time in their mouths!

Boys are getting big too fast! It's getting harder and harder to keep them still and focused for pictures!

Reid & Kane


Liam & Reid
They sure do love watching their big brother and their big brother sure does like to love on them!

Check out Liam when he was 5 months old, here!