Monday, January 26, 2015

Green Beans, Peas & Prunes… again.

Next on the menu was Green Beans.  I took a bag of frozen green beans, threw them in the pot of boiling water and cooked them till the were soft.

I let them cool off a little bit and then threw them in the Ninja to puree.

They were a hit!

We did the exact same thing with peas.  They had no complaints with the peas either!  They love them even better when I mix them with carrots!

I decided to venture out and make home made prunes this time around.  I  bought dried prunes and put them in a pot of boiling water until they were rehydrated.  Once they were cooled off I pureed them in the Ninja and put them in the trays.  They were a lot harder to get out of the trays once frozen.  I had to pry them out with a fork.  They were very sticky and required a lot of water when I was pureeing them.  But the boys love them just the same as the store bought and they are cheaper in the long run!  

Liam had to sneak in for a picture, too … but he doesn't like prunes! LOL

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Twins 8 Months

Being 8 months old has wore these babies out! I know for sure it has wore this momma out!  These pictures are on two different occasions in the same day where they had passed out playing.  Reid passed out sitting up both times.

Liam refused to get his picture taken with Santa.  He was all for it until we got up to him and it was time to sit in his lap, he then wanted no part of it!  The twins loved him!  So here is our Santa picture minus Liam.

One night while we were gone to Murfreesboro, Bella decided to have her puppies.  We stopped home before we made our way to the neighborhood ornament swap and found 2 female puppies and 1 male puppy had been born.

Liam was so proud of his new puppies!

After we stayed with the puppies for a little while to make sure they were nursing well, we packed up our ornaments and made our way to the Nogodula's house for the neighborhood ornament swap.  Here are all the neighborhood kids before and after they opened their ornaments!  They had such a good time and I am so thankful for such great neighbors!

December also brought a new addition to our family, Hardy Lee Brasfield!  She was born December 23rd to John Hardy Brasfield and Anne Louise Robertson!  I love these two and I am so happy for them!  Welcome to the world Hardy Lee!

Liam saying "Awe, she's so cute!"

Liam showing off his Ninja Turtle muscles.

I also spent this month in the ER with a sprained ankle.  I was leaving the house to meet up with Ryan in town and as I was walking the kids out to put them in car, I missed the step and fell down all 3 of them!  I stepped down on the side of my foot and was out of commission for a few days.  Thank goodness mom had saved all of her equipment from her foot surgery and I was able to use them to get around the house successfully!

Day 1

Day 2

I believe this was day 4….

This is how I got the kids around those few days!  This scooter was a life saver!

The boys in their new outfits from Christmas fighting with the hangers.

My happy babies!!!!

We spent a lot of time keeping warm in front of the fireplace this month.  Ryan's parents got us our logs for the fireplace for Christmas and we have been putting them to good use!  The boys have fallen in love with this blanket of Liam's and love to be wrapped up in it.  I laid them down in it one day and turned on some cartoons and they laid their for about an hour!

Here they are again except this time they are passed out!

The puppies are getting bigger and bigger!  They are about 3 weeks old here.

We always have to have a bathtub picture every month!  So here it is!  All squeaky clean :)

Do you realize how impossible it is to open up an 8 month olds mouth and take a picture?  It's nearly IMPOSSIBLE!  Here are the best pictures I could get.  They both have their bottom 2 teeth now.  Boy were they a doozy to come through!  There were many sleepless nights but once those finally came through they started sleeping through the night again!  Thank goodness for teething tablets, orajel, tylenol and ibuprofen! (and not all of those at the same time!)

They have also started pulling up on things.  Of course Reid was the first one to do it but Kane followed shortly thereafter!

We made a trip to Vanderbilt to see a pediatric urologist for Kane.  Dr. Tanaka thinks that she can fix his circumcision.  I don't like the fact that he will have to have surgery but it is a decision that we made for him and think it will benefit him in the long run!  Reid came along for the ride too!  Surgery will be an outpatient procedure on February 3rd.

Liam wanted to paint so we got out all of his painting stuff he got for his birthday and brought it to the kitchen so he could work on his masterpieces.

The puppies keep growing and all 3 have been spoken for already!  We started them on puppy food and they seem to be doing well with it.  I wet it until it is soft since they don't have any teeth yet.  I have sent in for their papers and will be getting their shots soon.  They should be ready to go to their homes around February 1st!

See Liam when he was 8 months old, here.

Christmas 2014

Christmas!  My favorite time of the year!  I hate that there is a shadow in Liams face but he was so excited about his chocolate countdown to Christmas calendar!  We would always be a few days behind and he would get to eat 2 or 3 pieces at a time.

The boys got their wear out of these cute outfits! I have been going through Liam's old clothes and there were some Christmas PJ's of his that the boys got to fit into.  They were a little big but they still fit!

Liam helping Ryan put up the Christmas tree.  He loves to help!

He did such a good job hanging ornaments on the tree!

Brasfield Christmas was the Sunday before Christmas.  We had it at our new house since we have the room.  We did our usual breakfast for dinner and let the kids open their presents!

Liam got a sleeping bag.  He opened it up and said "Wow! A bag of pants!!!!" Haha! That kid is hilarious!

The boys each got cowboy boots and bibs.

Marlisa and Liams headlamp, the twins bib and showing off Hardy Lee's toy!

They were happy just playing with the wrapping paper!

Gilley's Progressive Dinner Party was next on our week of Christmas festivities.
We started out at Bobbi's for appetizers and then to Pam's for Dinner, which was sooo good!  I have a picture of Connor every Christmas holding at least one of my kids!  He is such a good big cousin!  We left after dinner and didn't make it to Kandy's for dessert.  I think Ryan and I both had to work that next day and needed to get home and in the bed!

Christmas Eve afternoon was Gilley Christmas.  We all snack on appetizers and hand out all of our gifts to everyone.  After everyone is done opening gifts we do Dirty Santa.  Since we were having McWhorter Christmas at my house I had to rush back home to get everything ready there.

McWhorter Christmas was at my house on Christmas Eve night.  We had sandwiches and sides and we all played Dirty Santa!
Here is a pic of Hudson chewing on my chewy necklace.

Nana and Kane

Ryan and Reid

Ryan and the twins

Uncle Richard pitched in and helped feed a baby!

Uncle Paul got the twins size 4T shirts.  Even Liam can't fit in a 4T!!! It's the thought that counts :)

Hudson opening his presents.

After everyone left, Ryan and I got to working on the boys Santa gifts.  Liam got tons of Lego Duplos and I made him a Lego table and a Lego book to put all of his lego papers in so that he can rebuild them again.  The twins got diapers, formula and some snacks because thats all they needed!

Of course to stay on our Christmas morning schedule we had to wake Liam up to show him what Santa had brought him!  He was so excited and wanted to open up everything!

Reid & Kane with their bears that Liam made them.

All the boys by their gifts being thankful for what they recieved!

We had to open up a couple before we made our way to G and Grandy's House!

Liam helping pass out presents at my parents house while the boys watch every move he makes!

Ryan patiently waiting to open up all his gifts :)

We ate breakfast at my parents and hung out there for a little while before we made our way to Ryan's parents to do Christmas there.  Here is Papa and the little ones playing in the floor.

Liam opening a present.  I think this one was underwear from Aunt Maggie, Uncle Mark and Hudson.

 Yay! More Legos!!! :S

Hudson opening up some presents.

They had brunch at Ryan's parents house and we laid around a while over there before we decided we needed to get back home to hang out and play with all our toys.  I decided before we started opening all the Legos we should take a picture.  This kid got WAY too many Legos for Christmas!!!

Nana and Papa got the twins a kiddie corral haha.  This thing sure has been handy!

Poor thing had too much fun and fell asleep playing.

Look here to see the last few Christmas' 

Christmas 2012, here.
Christmas 2013, here.