Monday, March 11, 2013


So this morning Liam wakes up with a 103.2 fever.  He is teething but I have never heard of a child teething with a 103.2 fever.  So I stripped him down and gave him some Tylenol and called the Dr. office.  He had no other symptoms besides the fever, except for this scratch on his finger.  It looked like an infected hang nail.  So I thought maybe that is what was causing this crazy fever.  So I called Dr. Eastham's office and of course he is on vacation.  So we set an appointment with Dr. Little at 4:30.  We spent all morning laying around in the recliner.  He just wasn't himself.  He didn't want to play. He just wanted to relax in the recliner with his momma.  And I was perfectly okay with that!

Watching Toy Story on the way to the Dr. office :) 

We get to the Dr. office and of course his fever is down to 99.4 because when he woke up from his nap it was 102.7 and I had given him ibuprofen.  He was up walking around in the office like nothing was wrong, which is something he hadn't done all day.  Dr. Little listened to him, looked up his nose and ears.  Then he started in on his finger.  He squeezed some stuff out of it and cultured it so I am hoping to hear something in the morning.  Since he has no other symptoms, he told us to just treat the fever with tylenol and if he starts having other symptoms then he needs to come back in.  Otherwise, just wait on the culture to determine if we need antibiotics.  Here is the best picture that I could get since he doesn't want anyone near it.

Since he was a good boy at the Dr. office, I decided to treat him to some Marble Slab ice cream.  He loved it!

He is in a much better mood tonight.  Into everything as always :)

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